Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Moving Out

This year's Thanksgiving weekend was not quite the traditional relaxing weekend spent eating left-overs and watching sports. Instead we spent just about every waking minute on Friday and Saturday packing and cleaning the house. On Sunday we then moved out of the house on Wateree and into an apartment as we wait for the new home to finish construction. It was good to get all of the moving and cleaning finished up on Sunday, but it was definitely a tiring experience.

We are now settled into the apartment and it will work out fine for the next 6-8 weeks. Yesterday the buyers of house on Wateree did a final walk through and everything went very smooth. Closing is this Thursday and we will very soon no longer be home owners, but instead back to be renters for the next several weeks.

The girls were great throughout the whole moving process. It wasn't the easiest for them as all of their prized belongings (a.k.a. toys) have been packed up for a week, but we are now able to get some of them unpacked and they are happy to see them and play with them once again. The apartment is like a new territory for them to explore, we just are constantly trying to keep them from destroying anything as they want to climb around and all over things as they explore their new surroundings.

We should have some new pics of the house and kids available in the upcoming days.

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