Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Moving Out

This year's Thanksgiving weekend was not quite the traditional relaxing weekend spent eating left-overs and watching sports. Instead we spent just about every waking minute on Friday and Saturday packing and cleaning the house. On Sunday we then moved out of the house on Wateree and into an apartment as we wait for the new home to finish construction. It was good to get all of the moving and cleaning finished up on Sunday, but it was definitely a tiring experience.

We are now settled into the apartment and it will work out fine for the next 6-8 weeks. Yesterday the buyers of house on Wateree did a final walk through and everything went very smooth. Closing is this Thursday and we will very soon no longer be home owners, but instead back to be renters for the next several weeks.

The girls were great throughout the whole moving process. It wasn't the easiest for them as all of their prized belongings (a.k.a. toys) have been packed up for a week, but we are now able to get some of them unpacked and they are happy to see them and play with them once again. The apartment is like a new territory for them to explore, we just are constantly trying to keep them from destroying anything as they want to climb around and all over things as they explore their new surroundings.

We should have some new pics of the house and kids available in the upcoming days.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Latest Pics

Here are some of the latest pics of the home as of Thanksgiving. The siding is nearly completed. All of the doors and windows are installed. The air conditioning and plumbing are almost complete and next the electrical wiring will be installed.
After the electrical wiring is done the house will undergo inspection and if approved they'll start on drywall.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Windwos, Doors, and Siding Oh My - Taking Shape

Here's the latest pics

Front of House


Back of House (deck will eventually go in)

Jody's favorite tree

Front Door Family Room Fireplace Backdoor

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Swinging at the Park

Having fun at the park. If you can, try and listen to Kayla. She is little miss bossy. First she orders someone to push her on the swing and within a few seconds she's telling you to stop it. That's my girl!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Dancing Girls

Just thought I'd try out posting videos to the blog site.
There are just a few clips of the girls having fun watching Happy Feet.

More House

Went by the house this afternoon to see it from the inside.
Here is what it looks like from the inside.

Front Door

Living Room, Just off the Front Door

Family Room, In Back of House with Window to Backyard
(Thats the frame for the fireplace)

Kitchen. Located at opposite end of the house from the family room.

Stairs leading up to the bedrooms and bonus room.

Bonus Room at front of the house, just above the living room and front porch.

Master Bedroom Window

Here are a couple more from the outside

Tree just off the front porch. Jody loves this tree.

Front of the house, one more time

Friday, November 9, 2007

Framing Almost Complete

Progress on the new home continues. The framing is almost complete. According to the builder there is a good chance that by the end of Saturday that the framing will be done and the shingles on the roof will also be completed. The next steps are to have the plumber and electrician start up and start putting up the exterior siding around the house.

Here are some shots of the house from the street. We were lucky in that they seem to have been able to save some of the trees around the house. Over on the left is a nice oak tree that will sit just off the front porch. Over on the right are a couple of young maple tree saplings that will one day extend up and be just outside the master bedroom window.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Happy Halloween

This year we continued the renaissance theme started by attending the Renaissance Faire as the girls dressed as a Princess (Siena) and Fairy (Kayla) for Halloween.

Candy was gathered by all and the girls had a great time.

NC Renaissance Faire

Back in October we took the girls to the North Carolina Renaissance Faire, which is held just outside of Charlotte. The girls had a great time!

They got their faces painted.

Siena took a ride on a bungee line and flew up high in the air.

The flute playing fairy mesmerized Siena.

All in all it was a great time.


We thought it would be fun to jump into the blogging game and start chronicling the daily adventures of our family, with special attention on our little girls: Siena (Shmoo) and Kayla (The Bobo).
Currently, we are in the process of packing up our current house in to PODS units as we prepare to move. Unfortunately we will be moving twice as we will be staying in an apartment from the end of November through some time until January. Hopefully by the end of January our new home, which is being constructed, will be completed and we can move in.
The girls have been great through the process even though there have been a few trying moments as we pack away toys and games for moving. We'll be updating regularly on the moving process along with the building of our new home. Stay tuned.