Sunday, December 30, 2007

On the plane

One last 4.5 hr flight to go

Let's hope the DVD player batteries hold up

Going to Carolina

Hanging at the Las Vegas airport as we wait for our flight to RDU

Friday, December 28, 2007

Notice anything different?

A big day for Miss Siena

See the gap in her smile

The tooth fairy will be making her first to the NC Padua's bedroom

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Night night

You'd look this way to after today

Happy Holidays to all!!!

Love the NC Padua's

Saying bye bye to the happiest place on earth

Its a small world...but a long ass line

Is she the one....trying to pull the sword from the stone

Disney at night

Just watched the parade and now off to Peter Pan

The fun never ends

For the feet are dying and my back is not happy

The pirates life for me

Night falls upon us

Next.....The Carousel

When I see an elephant fly....

Waiting in anticipation for snow white

Haunted Mansion.....Jack style

Lunch time

What a bargain
2 chicken nuggets
1 chicken sandwich
= $25.00

On the nemo ride

Castle Xmas style

Our sub

The end of our first line is near

Sisters in waiting

Waiting patiently.......for now

And we're off

After breakfast at the rainforest cafe and a monorail ride we are now
in line for Nemo

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Down for the count

Eight and a half hours later the little one finally gives in

Checking out the Xmas toys up at the park

Post present unwrapping bliss

At this point most of the plastic ties, plastic cases have been
finally torn apart and the kids are off having fun

The adults are picking up the pieces

All the jewels

Santa has vomited in the living room

Bedtime stories

Very excited

The look of Xmas

Santa has come and left gifts

This is after Santa, but before the unwrapping frenzy