Monday, January 28, 2008

The classic photo card

Happy Bday dinner at Khanki

Six Years of Siena - Happy Birthday Shmoo!!!

It doesn't seem possible that six years have come and gone since Miss Siena joined us. Just thinking about how much she has grown and how fast it goes makes you want to find a way to slow down time or at least invent time travel. She has come along way over the last six years. These are just a smattering of pics to show how she has changed over this time. Even though she has grown the one constant that has always been present and only grows stronger is her wonderful personality and sheer joy for life. She is a true treat and Jody and I couldn't be luckier.

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

All Done, Except for Closing & Moving

Well the construction is complete!!!! A couple of weeks ahead of schedule. Just a few areas throughout the house where some touch up work is required, but other than that we are set to close on Wednesday. The PODS will be coming that afternoon and myself and a bunch of fellas from work will be showing up at 1pm to unload boxes. Finally!!!!!

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Another House Update

98% of the house is finished. Just a few small items left to be installed. After that they will then go through and do another cleaning of the house as well as touch up paint. We are scheduled to do a first walk through of the house next Wed or Thur. Our closing is now officially scheduled for Jan 30 at 10am. I've scheduled the PODS to be delivered that afternoon and hope to have the PODS unloaded by the end of the day. Here's to wishful thinking!!

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Siena's Pre-Birthday Birthday Party

Here are some pics from the pre-bday party we had while out in California

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More house pics

Well things are progressing nicely. The carpet is now starting to be laid down and it is just a matter of putting all of the remaining interior items. By Saturday everything should be pretty much completed. We are scheduled to close on Jan 30 and then move in on the 31st. The end is in sight. Hooray.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

On the plane and ready to go....on time

There's our ride home

Looks like an on time departure

Back on the ground in Dallas

On the plane and ready for an on time departure

Next stop Dallas
We will keep our fingers crossed for east travels through DFW

And we are off...

At the Burbank airport by 6:00 just waiting to board.

Friday, January 11, 2008

A pre-birthday birthday with the cousins

California sunset

B-fast in Tujunga

We made it in last night around 11:00 (2am EDT). The girls were up at
8:30 EDT (5:30 PST). OUCH

Regardless we were ready for breakfast with the cousins. Family is

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Well the plane taking us to Burbank is now here. So at least we know
we are getting out. Only a 90 minute delay, which is not much
considering my past luck at DFW.

Darin A. Padua, PhD, ATC
Associate Professor
University of North Carolina
216 Fetzer CB#8700
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8700

Sent from my iPhone

Another delay and gate change

Waiting at DFW

Hard to believe, my flight at DFW has been delayed.
I am cursed at this place.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Latest Home Pics - Getting Closer

Well we now have cabinets, countertops, doors, floors, sinks, closet fixtures, AC, circuit breaker and more.

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Doors are now hung

Well the doors are all hung and the tile floors installed.
They start installing the wood flooring on Monday as well as the
fixtures (lights, faucets, toilets, etc)
We should be on schedule to close on Jan 31

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kayla's Birthday Cake & Siena's Reaction

I was going through pics and videos from our trip to California and came across a classic video. The video is of Kayla's birthday party where she gets her cake. The best part is the show of enthusiasm and support from her older sister. If only we had a video clip of when she got her Christmas present from Austin Padua's. It would have been much better.

Siena's first day back

Today was Siena's first day at her new school. Since we will be moving at the end of the month, hopefully, we had Siena go ahead and change to the school that will be in our new district. The school is Forest View Elementary. We went with her this morning to meet her teacher and tour the school. Both Jody and I were elated with everything and Siena absolutely loves her new school. It is great to feel good about your kid's teacher and school. We are all very excited about the new school. We'll post pics of the school and classroom in days to come. DAP

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Pre-game warm ups

I must be in the front row

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Breakfast with the family

Here is a clip of what each day was like with the cousins. After watching this you'll begin to see why it was a good idea to have a few drinks in the evenings.

Checking to see if I can publish photos from Flickr

Here are some photos that we scanned of Mitch. My personal favorite is the one of him in front of the church in his biker garb.

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Latest Home Pictures

Well it has been a couple of weeks since we saw the house. We went by today and took more new pictures. A lot of stuff has been done since we last saw the house. The cabinets are all installed with the exception of the countertops in the kitchen. Painting has started inside the house. All of the door jams are installed and after painting the doors will be hung. The deck has also now been built.

To see the pics in full go to flickr and see the whole set: